I managed to get my family interested in making soap. They helped me make this batch of sweet smelling coffee soap and now of course they want to make more. The funnel swirl itself was easy enough to do and instead of securing the funnel to the mould using canes and bag ties, one of my helpers held the funnel inside the mould.
Main ingredients used:
- Olive oil
- Grape seed oil
- Shea Butter
- Castor oil
- Cocoa Butter
- Water
- Lye
I also added ginger, cinnamon and sweet orange essential oils, cocoa powder, finely ground coffee and orris root powder. Starting from this batch onwards I'm adding confectioners sugar which I've been told helps to boost the lather.
Just blog walking to see what you're up to. I like these. I think I'm in the mood for tea & cinnamon buns. LOL